
Keep Your Website Up and Running with the Right Monitoring Tools

If you are a web admin, then you know how difficult it is to constantly monitor your website performance and ensure that good quality backlinks are getting directed to your websites. On top of that, you also need to ensure that your website at least pops up on the first page of the Google search engine.

Taking the Help of SEO Monitoring Tools

When you have a website, it is essential to keep monitoring it for issues. If your website is offline, there are chances that visitors will simply go to your competitors’ websites, thereby resulting in a loss of revenue for your website. Here is where you need to keep monitoring your website uptime statistics.

If you search the internet, you will be flooded with a lot of SEO monitoring tools that can help boost the performance of your website. If you are a newbie, you might get confused with the list of options available and choose the wrong tool that will not yield any fruitful results.

Here is where tools such as Linkascope can come in handy. This tool is your complete package for improving your website performance. If your website is down or facing errors, it will immediately notify you of the issue, so that you can work on resolving the same.

In addition to this, you can even use its marketplace to reach out to international backlinks, and SEO experts to expand your domain reach. All the vendors listed on their website are verified before they are listed on this website.

Last but not the least, you can even use their analytics tools to assess any broken backlinks, monitor anchor spam, and improve your website uptime performance.

You can even use a URL shortener such as to shorten your website link. In addition to this, you can use this tool to see your link statistics, link redirection, and QR code generator. Having a short link helps you to improve your brand power as users can easily use the links to get directed to your website.

It also provides you with a dashboard that shows the number of users who have clicked on your link, the performance of your links, and the number of sessions. All this can help you monitor your website and improve its overall efficiency.

Other Popular Backlink Monitoring Tools 

SEO monitoring tools are gaining a lot of popularity and you can use some of the below ones to monitor your backlinks:

  • Ahrefs

Ahrefs can help to get rid of your low-quality backlinks and generate popular keywords that your target audiences are searching for. You can even use the Ranking Tracker to monitor your website performance against your competitors.

  • Linkbox

This SEO tool comes with backlink monitoring software that comes with two modules: campaigns and the crawler module. Here you can easily check which links are removed, the backlink anchors, and the presence of these links on the donor pages.


Try to work with SEO tools that are easier to understand and use. If the tools do not offer you the desired results, you can always search for new tools and work with the ones that improve your website performance.